Sunday, August 28, 2011

A Great Weekend

This past weekend was a great time of cooking and friends!  It started with moving Tia and Johnny to Evansville with us!  Now, instead of a hour drive home,  it takes 1 minute!  That night they were treated to a dinner here at our house.  I hadn't cooked a big meal in a while, so it was fun to get back in the swing of things!

Dinner Setting
They brought some wine!
House warming gift for Tia and Johnny

Appetizer - Italian Salad - Lettuce, Fresh Basil, Mozzerela, Proscuito, and Tomoato.  The dressing was a blend of extra virgin olive oil, dijon mustard, pomegrante juice, and lemon juice.

Main Course - Pomegrate Pork Chops with Grilled Vegetables-ratatoulie style.

Dessert - Strawberry Surprise Cupcakes, Nathan made these!    Strawberry Cupcake with a banana cream filling.  That deilicious sauce is a strawberry and wine mixture.

The next night, we all spent another great night having dinner at the Gerst Haus.  Some beer, kraut balls, beef strogonoff and sandwiches made the night!

After dinner, we headed back to our place for another fantastic cupcake creating by Nathan.  A lemon cupcake, with a figgy filling and a candied fig on the side!

We are so glad to have our closest friends/family here in Evansville with us.  It should be the start of some great new memories for us and you to enjoy!  I leave you tonight with an amazing picture of our Bengal Cat, Faust, he is amazing!  Until next time, keep enjoying!


1 comment:

  1. Hi Alex,
    I just found your blog by reading Tia's. I have been following hers for a while. Glad to have found you. It seems as if you really enjoy cooking. I do too. Love Cats also(I have three wonderful furry babies) I look forward to reading more of your posts. Would love it if you stopped by my blog and joined me on google connect. Leave me a comment if you will...would be most appreciated.
